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Palladium Online Trade Directory

Dear Customers

At Palladium Building Supplies we are constantly being asked to help people find local tradesman to carry out the required jobs for their homes and businesses. As a company we try to be impartial and not recommend any one particular tradesman but we have decided that we should help our retail customers by providig a business directory for tradesmen in their local area, so with the click of a mouse they will find what they have been looking for.

Palladium Building Supplies would like to offer all our customers a low cost, highly effective and exciting advertising opportunity.

As you may be aware several years ago we launched our company website and since then we have received over 100,000 unique visitors, every visit to our website being a potential customer.

The opportunity we would like to offer you is a chance to advertise your services on our online trade directory within our website. This will give the general public the chance to see the services you offer, the directory is set up into services and different geographical areas.

We have kept the cost to you to a minimum. This service is availabe to you at the low cost of £1 per week, payable as an annual one off payment of £52+ VAT. This fee will pay a percentage of the set up cost and continued maintenance of the directory.

Credit account holders have the option to have this charged straight to their account. Cash account holders can make the payment by credit or debit card.

If you have any questions please contact Karina on 01548 855412.

With electronic media being the way most people find information, we hope you will be as excited as we are about this new venture and take up this low cost advertising opportunity.